Last week we commenced a new season in our church examining the character of God. We've called it 'Our Amazing God'. I shared a bit of wisdom from the past. Here are some quotable quotes about the mystery that is God:
Outside of God, there is nothing but nothing - Meister Eckhart
A god understood, a god comprehended, is no god - German mystic
God turns shoes upside down - Arabian proverb
O thou before whom all words recoil - Ancient prayer
Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him for ever - Westminster Catechism
In commanding us to glorify him, God is inviting us to enjoy him - C.S. Lewis
The favorite place of man is in the heart of man - Jewish Proverb
The glory of God is man fully alive - Irenaeus
God doesn't reveal his grand design. He reveals himself. - Frederick Buechner
God is beauty - St Francis
God is he without whom one cannot live - Leo Tolstoy
A comprehended God is no God at all - Gerhard Tersteegen
Only to our intellect is God incomprehensible, not to our love - The Cloud of Unknowing