God has not called me to be nice, our church to be comfortable, nor successful. God has called us to be faithful.
Successful churches exist to please their members
Faithful churches exist to glorify God
- Successful churches ask what they can do better to please their members
Faithful churches ask what can we do to reach the lost with Jesus’ love – and then will do whatever it takes to do so
Successful churches are constantly juggling competing priorities, demands and seemingly urgent needs – priorities, demands and needs that drift further away from the heart of the gospel as they seek to keep everybody happy.
Faithful churches are constantly juggling competing priorities, demands and urgent needs – priorities, demands and needs that are ruthlessly addressed or discarded in the light of God’s primary call upon their life to be salt in a world that desperately needs God’s seasoning and light in a world enveloped in darkness at every corner
Successful churches in the end burn out through ceaseless and unrelenting activity, fizzle out for lack of an inspiring cause or are vomited out for so drifting from the heart of God he can do no other
Faithful churches make mistakes, repent, and are forgiven again and again by a faithful and forgiving God
Successful churches, by God’s Grace, may be effective for a season
Faithful churches, by God’s Grace, will be effective as long as God gives them breath, and their legacy will stand from generation to generation