What a day it has been. It began in Dubai where we left at 8.30 for Amman, Jordan. We then traveled by bus down to the Jordan Valley and the border with Israel. The crossing took 90 minutes and numerous passport checks. We then had a late lunch at Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by a shepherd boy in the 1940's. On the shore of the Dead Sea,it is a bleak, moon like landscape. What a desolate place it must have been for the community that lived there in the time of Jesus.
We then traveled the 19 or so miles up past Jericho to Jerusalem. And when I say up, I mean up! The shores of the Dead Sea in the lowest land point in the world, 400 metres below sea level. Jerusalem is 800 metres above sea level - so the gradient is steep. We passed Bedouin communities, settler villages and urban sprawl until we came into Jerusalem city. I have to say I was not prepared for the feeling of coming into Holy Ground. The place just reeks history, from the old walls to the ancient architecture. I love the fact we will be based here for the next five days. Time enough to explore.
It's cold. I'm tired. But what a gift to be here. Thank you God!