A couple of weeks ago Newlife hosted 45 Uniting Church ministers and pastors from around Australia for a conference. Rod Denton (www.roddentoneng.com.au/), a Baptist pastor, spoke to us one morning. Rod spends a lot of his time in Asia training pastors. He shared of the incredible growth of the church in Nepal. The church has grown from a handful of people just 20 years ago to more than one million believers today. Christians in Nepal often encounter great persecution and hardship. Before a new Christian can be baptised in some churches in Nepal they have to answer a series of questions:
1. Are you willing to be expelled from your home and community because of your faith in Jesus Christ?
2. Are you willing to give up your family inheritance because of your faith in Jesus Christ?
3. Are you willing to give up your job because of your faith in Jesus Christ?
4. Are you willing to be persecuted and sent to prison because of your faith in Jesus Christ?
5. Are you willing to pay tithes and offerings to honour God regularly?
6. Are you willing to go back to your village to preach the Gospel?
7. Are you willing to die for Jesus Christ?
If a baptismal candidate agrees to these questions, then they are asked:
8. Do you willingly give consent to be baptized?
Do you think the Nepalese Christians who answer these questions are fully committed? While I know they would be far from perfect, I read that list and I weep at my lukewarm faith, my willingness to compromise, to cheat God in large and small ways and the many ways I give God the leftovers of my life rather than my first and my best.
God wants people fully surrendered to him, committed to follow him no matter the cost and who will not compromise the grace that has been entrusted to them.